

NJC Tianjin Xchange 2007
Mr Tan
Miss Yang




November 2007
December 2007
March 2008
May 2008
September 2008

Shout Out


Brushes: x x
Host: x x


»Now Playing:
your music code

Friday, September 26, 2008

yup , shall give everyone a bottle of the above ....for the upcoming A'levels, PW OP, IP assessment week?

yeppie! hope u guys still keep in touch with ur tianjin buddy or friends...
i received a "mid-autumn festival" E-card from my buddy's classmate...lol, first time receiving such an e-card....haha!



writtern @2:38 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ah. At this rate, this blog will most probably be lost in cyberspace soon...

Hmm. How about giving this place to the juniors?

This is so random.

Its all Stella's fault!

IP kids! Why aren't you gals contributing?


writtern @8:45 AM

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ok. Since this is a group blog, and it looks so pathetic, Niang has decided to contribute. See? I'm so nice. You must pity your Ah Po Stella for keeping everything alive :) Haha. Stella, please don't kill me.

Okie. Since MingJie asked, my email is
yukino0@gmail.com. Please do not spam Niang with lots of chain emails and other similar nonsense. Nonsensical email is ok. There is a subtle but key conceptual differnce. Yup. Honestly speaking, I do have a blog. Its here. I know, I know, the pink background is distasteful, and the incessant anime, manga and J-rock related ramblings may be unsuitable content for the young... Yet, you can leave a comment you know... Its all to deter irritants from harrasing Niang.

Ok, as this blog is, after all, meant for Tianjin stuffies, I shall divert from the self-promotion to present today's message : A reminder for eveyone to do the survey for our wonderfully forgetful Yang Laoshi! It a 3 minute thing, no essay required. Nice eh? However, due to the poor readership of the blog, I sincerely doubt if anyone will see this post *grumbles*. Oh well. I
did contribute *glares accusingly at everyone*.

I shall adjourn this amazing session for everyone to contribute their two cents worth to this little web in the big wide Internet. Blog on!

Wan Lin

writtern @6:22 AM

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hi ppl!

I know i know. Have to at least write one post right? Yup! My turn to contribute [after so long. Lol!]. This is a video on the last day before we departed. Enjoy the singing guys [We prob need singing lessons]! =P

I don't know, but it kind of feels like it'll never end [the song i mean].
By the way, the background voices are my buddy's [Xinmeng] and her mum's. =D

writtern @6:06 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007








“千佛山吧...it was really gorgeous. and 長城。”

沉淀了三天 發現


writtern @12:44 AM

Saturday, December 8, 2007

im sure all of you took alot of photos on the trip right? in order to compile all of them, ive set up an account at 4shared.com. can you all zip up the photos you have (group, scenery, places we've been to yadda yadda....) and upload them to the account? the email is under mine, (myheartbelongstodance[at]hotmail[dot]com). the link for downloading the files is: http://www.4shared.com/dir/4843838/c8d10f9a/sharing.html

please zip up the photos and place them in a folder under your name, okay?
im really sorry! i dont have all of your emails so maybe you can add me or something, for the pword? hehe. thanks!!


writtern @7:12 AM

ok, lemme start the ball rolling..
tho i dunno what to blog coz there is awfully too much to talk about.
so if my entry is getting bored and crappy, pardon me... :)

first three days:
the hostel stay was fun coz i got great company from kellie,jamie and wanlin! haha. the rush to bath during the only one hour of hot water bath! and we actually forget to press the "off" button, thus resulting in accumulation $30 worth of water. my hostel room 1308 lights were so DIM! that i need a torch light to write my diary at night. the aircon was faulty and heater too! so the night can be quite cold as we opened the window.
Lessons in tianjin:
china geography(i learnt that the land of china is like a chicken on the map)
chinese poems: haha, the only poem i can remembered is still the same old LiBai poem "shuang qian ming yue guang)
Chinese Art: learnt to paint the chinese mask
Computing: numberguess game and drawing flowers and the quiz!
Chinese Wushu: learnt taiji! haha...my joints were aching..think i am not suitable for such sports.

haha, i can still rmb that the IP girls were drawing all sort of stuff on the chalkboard. haha
then we also went to bing jiang dao. many of us bought quite many stuff and had fun bargaining. tho my group din get to bargain. :/
wanlin was sick on the second/third day after we bought cheap cheap nuggets from Macs.

Beijing/Shandong: i shall keep short and sweet for this section. we celebrated Wanlin's sweet 17 birthday at shandong. haha..the cake was really creamy. we didn't get to the top of Tai San becoz there was big big wind that day. anyway, the scenery at TaiSan was really pretty. the Scene at qian fo san(thousand buddha mountain) was splendid too! thanks goodness we sat the cable up to the top! :)

6 days stay at host family:
they are very hospitable and nice ppl! my china daddy went to shenzhen on the second day so didn't really interact much with him. i slept in my buddy's bedroom while he slept in the living room! my buddy stayed quite near the tianjin olympic stadium(which we all went to visit)...mmm...the first day, i went there, i ate changMian(long noodles). then the last day i ate jiaozi(dumpling) ...coz my china mother said this is a tradition for china ppl to serva changmian and jiaozi when a visitor comes.
Saturday was spent well with my buddy as we shopped at jin hui and bing jiang dao. i nearly combed every shopping centres at bing jiang dao. haha...saw maxine and wenlin at jin hui in the morning...so i guess almost everyone also at bing jiang dao that day ba. :)

i uploaded photos at shutterfly: http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0BbNmrRw5bsXGQ&notag=1

my camera only got one group photo...
so to the others:
please upload the photos to an online album and post the link up here ok?
must share good photos with everyone! and please post at least an entry about ur thoughts and feelings in china!

tata! gotta do hols hmw now..zomg!

writtern @3:48 AM